Saturday, 25 August 2012

The two things that You should never let your kids learn

When it comes to academics there are these two myths which are always taught to kids from a very young age in almost all the educational institutes. I am not even sure if they are myths or lies or may be one is a lie and the other is a myth. What ever they may be I remember believing in them and even supporting them. I do not want my kids to get deceived like how I was.

Now coming to the point, the two things I am talking about are:
  1. The Darwin's theory and
  2. Over Population

The theory that we were evolved from an ape is just a theory and not a fact but yet it is thought as a fact in the schools. You need to teach your kids that it is an impossible phenomenon, every creation is unique and nothing was evolved from the other. If evolution was true then why there was no evolution in the recorded history of the past 6000-8000 years? Evolution is a process according to the theory then why did it stop for so long? If it takes really long for evolution then we should have been able to see at least a trace of it, if fishes evolve into birds then we should have been able to record at least one fish which got at least one wing? What do you say? I personally think that this is a lie that was spread and not a theory. A lie to support Atheism. Just think about it. You don't want your kids to be atheist do you? If you want them to be one, then you can help them by just sending them to a school next door.

The country I come from is one of the most populous countries in the world, so from a very young age I was thought that the world is overpopulated and we need to take strict measurements to keep our population under check or else there would be scarcity in food, water etc. As a child I used to get very angry when I saw people with more than 2 kids for being so irresponsible citizens. I remember that in my generation there were hardly any friends who had more than one sibling I too belonged to the same category. I don't have more than two cousins from each pair of my uncles and Aunts. It was a trend to have 2 kids per family anything more was a big no no. But today when I look into our lives there is a void that cannot be filled. I wish I had more siblings to share with. All these parents now in their 40's – 50's are alone at their homes having nothing much to do in contrast to my grandma(birthed 9 kids) who is in her late 80's still has her kids with her. These parents even mentioned to me about their regrets for having taken such a decision. Its really sad to see the after effects when its too late to rectify anything. Yet, we get to learn from the past people's mistakes. We have better choices to make, Insha Allah.

By the way, your next concern would be about the increasing population, right? For your information, population explosion is a myth. You can do some research on it if you want and please do have a look at the video below, everything is well explained in it. Human beings are the greatest resources, by reducing them we are reducing our resources. Please start using your brains before it is too late.


  1. I understand why you say this, but it also depends no? I have been taught this at school but I knew it was a lie (the darwin theory) I studied it for the exam but didn't believe it. I think that If we teach our children at home what the truth is, when they are the school and have to learn those "lies" they will learn in order to pass the exam but at the same time they will know that it isn't true.


  2. Masha Allah. Jazak Allahu khayr for sharing. Well said.
